Job Language Kit for Migrants

WorKit Textbook

The Textbook contains employment-related language information divided into different topics and scenarios, fully illustrated and translated into Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Italian and Spanish. Each topic is developed as a language lesson with a set of words, phrases, dialogues and exercises.

WorKit Route

The Route provides necessary information on work and employment issues in each partner country such as information on employment offices, accessing VET, searching for vacancies, applying for a job, labour legislation, employment benefits/rights, etc.

workit (1)WorKit Lesboek
De route naar werk in Nederland
workit (3)Учебно помагало
Трудова карта на България
workit (5)WorKit Textbook
Work routes in the UK
workit (4)Libro de Texto
Ruta para trabajar en España
workit (2)Manuale di WorKit
I percorsi lavorativi in Italia

WorKit RouteWorKit Phrase Fan

The Phrase Fan contains commonly used phrases from the topics included in the Textbook. The Phrase Fan is available in 10 language versions: Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.