Practices for labour market orientation of migrants (legislation, policy, working permits, legal counselling, validation of competences of migrants, etc.)
- BG1: “info4migrants”
- BG2: “Enhancing social and economic activity of third country immigrants from the territory of South East Region in Bulgaria”
- BG3: “Education without Barriers”
- BG5: “Centre for information, adaptation and integration of citizens of third countries”
- BG6: “jobs4migrants”
- ES1: “Fighting against discrimination for migrants”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- ES5: “Blog: Spanish for migrants and refugees (Blog: Español para inmigrantes y refugiados)”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- UK1: “UK Government Initiatives”
- UK2: “Welsh Assembly Government Welcome Pack for Migrant Workers”
- UK3: “European Migrant Adviser Toolkit”
- UK4: “Get into Teaching”
- UK5: “Salford Migrant Worker Information Pack”
- EU3: “FORWARD – Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion”
- EU6: “”
- NL9: “Juridischloket”
Practices for labour market integration of adult migrants through language skills
- BG1: “info4migrants”
- BG2: “Enhancing social and economic activity of third country immigrants from the territory of South East Region in Bulgaria”
- BG3: “Education without Barriers”
- BG6: “jobs4migrants“
- ES1: “Fighting against discrimination for migrants”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- ES5: “Blog: Spanish for migrants and refugees (Blog: Español para inmigrantes y refugiados)”
- IT1: “Parlato è bene, certificato è meglio”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- NL1: “EVA – Educatie voor Vrouwen met Ambitie (Education for Women with Ambition)”
- NL2: “Taal Dichtbij Werkt (Closer to Language Is Effective)”
- NL3: “Taaltraining voor hoogopgeleide vrouwen (Language training for highly educated women)”
- NL4: “Strong from the inside, Strong to the outside”
- NL5: “How to make your talent work for you”
- NL6: The M.O.O.D. method (Participation – Development – Orientation – Moving on)
- NL8: TaalinhetBedrijf
- UK1: “UK Government Initiatives”
- UK2: “Welsh Assembly Government Welcome Pack for Migrant Workers”
- UK3: “European Migrant Adviser Toolkit”
- UK4: “Get into Teaching”
- UK5: “Salford Migrant Worker Information Pack”
- EU1: “L2Paths – Pathways to Host Country Languages for Migrants”
- EU3: “FORWARD – Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion”
- EU4: “INTEGRA: Migrants’ Integrating Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters”
- EU5: “METOIKOS – Informal Language Learning for Immigrants”
Practices for social integration of migrants through cultural and language skills
- BG1: “info4migrants”
- BG2: “Enhancing social and economic activity of third country immigrants from the territory of South East Region in Bulgaria”
- BG3: “Education without Barriers”
- BG4: “The Refugee Project – Everybody Deserves a Warm Welcome”
- ES1: “Fighting against discrimination for migrants”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- ES5: “Blog: Spanish for migrants and refugees (Blog: Español para inmigrantes y refugiados)”
- IT1: “Parlato è bene, certificato è meglio”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- NL2: “Taal Dichtbij Werkt (Closer to Language Is Effective)”
- NL3: “Taaltraining voor hoogopgeleide vrouwen (Language training for highly educated women)”
- NL4: “Strong from the inside, Strong to the outside”
- NL5: “How to make your talent work for you”
- NL6: The M.O.O.D. method (Participation – Development – Orientation – Moving on)
- UK1: “UK Government Initiatives”
- UK2: “Welsh Assembly Government Welcome Pack for Migrant Workers”
- UK3: “European Migrant Adviser Toolkit”
- UK4: “Get into Teaching”
- UK5: “Salford Migrant Worker Information Pack”
- EU1: “L2Paths – Pathways to Host Country Languages for Migrants”
- EU3: “FORWARD – Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion”
- EU4: “INTEGRA: Migrants’ Integrating Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters”
- EU5: “METOIKOS – Informal Language Learning for Immigrants”
Practices for VET and language education of adult migrants
- BG4: “The Refugee Project – Everybody Deserves a Warm Welcome”
- ES2: “The Spanish Virtual Classroom”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- ES4: “Spanish Salamanca University A2”
- ES5: “Blog: Spanish for migrants and refugees (Blog: Español para inmigrantes y refugiados)”
- IT1: “Parlato è bene, certificato è meglio”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- NL1: “EVA – Educatie voor Vrouwen met Ambitie (Education for Women with Ambition)”
- NL2: “Taal Dichtbij Werkt (Closer to Language Is Effective)”
- NL3: “Taaltraining voor hoogopgeleide vrouwen (Language training for highly educated women)”
- NL4: “Strong from the inside, Strong to the outside”
- NL5: “How to make your talent work for you”
- NL7: DeTaalzoeker
- UK1: “UK Government Initiatives”
- UK2: “Welsh Assembly Government Welcome Pack for Migrant Workers”
- UK3: “European Migrant Adviser Toolkit”
- UK4: “Get into Teaching”
- UK5: “Salford Migrant Worker Information Pack”
- EU1: “L2Paths – Pathways to Host Country Languages for Migrants”
- EU4: “INTEGRA: Migrants’ Integrating Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters”
- EU5: “METOIKOS – Informal Language Learning for Immigrants”
Practices for training of (volunteer) teachers and education providers working with adult migrants
- BG1: “info4migrants”
- BG4: “The Refugee Project – Everybody Deserves a Warm Welcome”
- ES1: “Fighting against discrimination for migrants”
- ES2: “The Spanish Virtual Classroom”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- ES5: “Blog: Spanish for migrants and refugees (Blog: Español para inmigrantes y refugiados)”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- UK4: “Get into Teaching”
- EU2: “Counselling Immigrants in Vocational Education and Training (CIVET)”
- EU3: “FORWARD – Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion”
- EU4: “INTEGRA: Migrants’ Integrating Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters”
Practices for supporting organisations working with migrant communities
- BG1: “info4migrants”
- BG5: “Centre for information, adaptation and integration of citizens of third countries”
- ES1: “Fighting against discrimination for migrants”
- ES3: “Development Channel (Canal Desarrollo)”
- IT2: “EIF Projects – European Funds for the Integration of non-EU immigrants projects”
- IT3: “Cultural mediation in the safety management in the workplace”
- IT4: “Intern students as teachers of Italian as foreign language”
- IT5: “Foreign, not stranger. The ABC of safety on the workplace (Straniero, non estraneo. ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro)”
- NL4: “Strong from the inside, Strong to the outside”
- NL5: “How to make your talent work for you”
- EU2: “Counselling Immigrants in Vocational Education and Training (CIVET)”
- EU3: “FORWARD – Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion”
- EU4: “INTEGRA: Migrants’ Integrating Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters”