News and Events

Final Conference

The WorKit final conference took place on June 7th, 2017 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. During the conference the project products and methods were presented and the participants held discussions on current issues regarding the labour market participation of migrants and their educational needs. The event was also used for exchange of experience and good practices for migrant integration both from The Netherlands and the partner countries.

Representatives from the focus groups were invited and shared their experience and impressions from the project. Key speakers from the Dutch National Agency Erasmus+ VET and AE, the Dutch Refugee Council and IVC Foundation, Den Helder presented their policy on impact and effects of European Cooperation and shared their activities on labour market participation and language training of migrants. In addition a panel discussion about language barriers and successful labour market integration was held with representatives of stakeholders, job coaches and employers and the interactive participation of the audience.

WorKit Final Conference

The Final Conference of the project will take place on June 7th, 2017 from 13.30 till 17.30 hours at Dona Daria, Gerard Scholtenstraat 129 Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Representatives from migrant communities, organizations working for migrants, stakeholders, language educators and volunteers, job coaches will be invited to attend the conference and share their impressions from the WorKit products and activities. During the conference, good practice examples for integration of migrants through language learning will be presented and the participants will share their experiences.

For more information about the conference please send an e-mail to